breif bio

Hello , Im Senator Jorge Santos representing the state of Arizona . This website was created for any of your needs . I designed this website so all of you Arizonians can tell me your feelings on the desions my colleugues and I decide. Im very anxcious to know what you think we should do as far as laws . Remember we take all your beliefs into consideration .

 I was born in April 15 1997 in Brewster Washington  , Later on i moved to the small State of Wisconsin . My family settled in the small city of North Fond Du Lac . I enjoy to play soccer because  im hispanic and all of my family back in Mexico play soccer for fun. Other than soccer i enjoy to Box . Boxing involves alot of exercise and dedication . I also love to watch professionals get their face cut open.

 For education i attended all my school years in the district of North Fond Du Lac . I liked that school , lots of nice and smiling people!

I really enjoyed my highschool years  though , i enjoyed my Freshmen year the most . Since i was a young chap i wanted to be President and in high school i decided to take a step back from President and pursuit my dream to become a Senator . I attend College at UW - Madison it was alot of fun. My college years were deffinetely the best.

I love my job , and i love meeting new people . If you have any questions about anything please leave a comment explaining why your questioning my authority .